What your digital marketing agency needs to do to 4X your revenue.
Just to explain why we talk about 4X.
It makes it easy to explain the tremendous impact of doubling up and the two powerful forces of increasing conversion rates and visitors.
But we don’t know your business and we don’t know how many visitors you currently get to your website.
If you are getting 20 visitors and 1 conversion per day, we may be able to push it to 200 visitors and 20 conversions a day, that is a 10X by 20X increase.
Conversely, if you are getting 1000 visitors and 20 conversions, we may only be able to push it to 1500 and 50 conversions a day, a 0.5X by 1.5X increase.
It is hard to tell what we can do before analysing your specific business and the market for your products but the points below will help you clearly understand the power behind what these increases can do for you.